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Multipark Eastwood

Unit 1 & 2 Chesterton Road, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 1SU
59,845 sq.ft (5,560 sq.m)
3 Units

Asset Manager

Property Details

The well established Multipark Eastwood is located on the eastern side of Rotherham, and fronts Chesterton Road.  Access to Chesterton Road is from the A630 Fitzwilliam Road, which forms the principal arterial route to the north east of Rotherham, linking the town with Doncaster and the A1 (M) motorway. Junction 34 of the motorway is located approx 4 miles to the south west.

Available Properties

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For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact Simon Eatough using the form below.

Multipark Eastwood

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